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  • References

  • How are the references compiled within OncoPrescribe?

    Our team is constantly scouring medical journals, as well as attending conferences and meetings to search out new regimens and references. Sometimes we’ll even have information before it is printed in the major publications.

  • What’s contained in each reference?

    Each reference contains the author(s) and study name, the publication as well as a synopsis and clinical relevance section. There are also footnotes for other studies that are referred to. As this tool continues to evolve, you may, for some prescriptions, be able to access abstracts or articles relevant to a particular reference.

  • How often are the references updated?

    New references are added as soon as they appear in Medical Journals, or are presented at Conferences.

  • Can I use the references section even if I’m not writing a specific chemotherapy order?

    Yes. When you log in to OncoPrescribe, you are taken to the “What do you want to do today?” page. One of the options is to “Research New Regimens”; if you select this you can learn about regimens and references without entering patient information.

  • Security

  • Is OncoPrescribe HIPAA Compliant?

    Since OncoPrescribe never stores or electronically transmits ANY patient or prescription data, it does not need to be formally HIPAA certified, but it is compliant with guidelines. You can use OncePrescribe with confidence.

  • What other Security Measures are in Place?

    OncoPrescribe is hosted at a Tier IV data center – the type of facility that manages financial transactions for major financial institutions. All internet traffic is SSL secured.
